October 23, 2001
Bill and Ted 3?

The Matrix Online has a Revisited review/preview that has a few spoilers if you are into that kind of thing.

Also, thanks to Keanuland, I hear there is some talk about a Bill and Ted 3 over at Ain't-it-cool-news.

This sounds like a very bad idea to me.
I'm all for a third Bill and Ted movie, but what I read here does not thrill me at all. Halloween theme? Just because a theme park attraction is popular?
I think that's the reason the last couple Batman movies sucked.
OK, not really. They sucked for completely different reasons.

The thought of Keanu making a token appearence and having the plot revolve around the kidnapping of Ted is just stupid. Are they thinking of making Chris Carter a co-writer? He sure did a bang up job of working The X-Files around Duchovny's absence......NOT.

I like the idea I heard tossed around a while back.
Bill and Ted in their 40's as a Las Vegas lounge act.
Now, THAT has potential for great comedy.
I even offer my services as a consultant.
Email me, Alex. I'll hook you up at The Glass Pool Lounge

cinema | from inside the mind of krix at October 23, 2001 01:03 PM .

THE REAL scoop on BILL AND TED 3! You heard it here:
A script exists--right along the lines of what Keanu and Alex discussed--and Keanu's manager at 3 Arts has the writer's information on file. The rest are all just rumours. Check out the writer's site at http://www.billandted3.com
Spread the word so this movie can get into production! The site is really cute.

Posted by: Trinity on December 31, 2002 06:32 PM

Yo man we need a Bill and Ted 3
If you have any news about the movie
tell me

and I would like to talk to you about what you think about the new movie

Posted by: Justin on February 3, 2003 12:23 PM
What's on your mind?.....
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