October 24, 2001
Dogstar Fans

This just in :

The Dogstar Fans web site has a new domain. www.DogstarFans.net
Started as an eGroup just over a year ago, Dogstar Fans is over 130 members strong. It's a great bunch and I am glad to be a member as well as a contributor to the "Daily Dogstar". I have made some great friends online there, and have some great memories of meeting some of them at shows.
My kudos and wishes for success go out to Lori, the founder of the group and creator of the Dogstar Fans site.


dogstar rocks | from inside the mind of krix at October 24, 2001 01:05 PM .

I love you keanu!!!!!!!!!!!! I,m spanish fan and I think you, and your group are fantastic probability you dont read this comment but I hope you know that are a lot of people that admire dogstar.the song that I,ve CAN LISTENED IT,S REALLY NICE . The song called:coverstore, the rithym are great!! ok I don,t know that write you so......... I say bye .......... only one thing: I,m sorry but my nivel of english is very bad
lot of kisses for all members of the group
and specially for you keanu

Posted by: mercedes on July 16, 2003 08:51 AM
What's on your mind?.....
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