May 03, 2002
Go Senators!

I have been so busy, I really haven't been keeping up with hockey this season. I was pleasantly suprised when my father told me this morning that Ottawa beat the Leafs last night and are still in the playoffs. Not to mention that former Las Vegas Thunder player Radek Bonk scored. Radek used to live at my father's house when he first came to play for the Thunder, and we're still fairly close to his family back in the Czech Republic. He's a great guy. I need to make a point of catching the next game. I wonder if Keanu roots for Toronto? Probably, huh?
Well, "In your FACE, Reeves!"
Too bad I don't have a bumpersticker to show my support, eh hoopty?

So since my archives are acceptable now, I decided to hand-import posts from the old blog. I'm only moving them if they are timelessly relevant or terribly clever. If I do a month a day, it should be done in no time.

Lastly, I had a dream about going to a Dogstar show last night. I remember Keanu not wanting to get out of the car, me trying to help Bret load stuff into the club, and Rob being extremely funny. Oh, and the kittens. I had three fluffy orange kittens and I named them Bill, Ted and Rufus.
I had them in the car and a woman came to the window, asked for money and then took one of the kittens. Keanu then got out of the car and got the kitten back for me, but when I got it back it was vicious.

I wonder what it all means.....

off topic | from inside the mind of krix at May 03, 2002 01:59 PM .

Well, I'm guessing the orange kitten that got stolen was Ted, and totally represented me (I'm orange, too). So keanu rescued me, then when he gave me back to you, I was vicious because I wanted to stay with HIM. (Whose dream was it, anyway?!)

Posted by: Lori on May 4, 2002 09:26 PM

Hee! I knew you'd see that as a shout-out.

Posted by: krix on May 5, 2002 08:49 AM
What's on your mind?.....
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