November 24, 2001
Keanuvision Store

OK, here's the deal.
I really wanted to make T-shirts and whatnot to help promote and support the site. I built the site out of love but even though I'm getting a great deal on hosting, it still costs money.
HOWEVER it is not legally or ethically right for me to put a picture of Keanu on merchandise for sale. Even if it is one of the pictures I took at a Dogstar show, because it is still his image. I can totally respect that. So even though I am sure one of my designs with his scrumptious self on it would probably sell, and I might even make some money before I got a letter from Erwin Stoff, I'm not going to do it.
Instead, I made some plain text designs that you can get on mousepads, t-shirts and mugs.
You can find them at the new online store.

the site | from inside the mind of krix at November 24, 2001 03:14 PM .
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