May 05, 2002

First off, credit goes to Miho for this info.

Time magazine has an article on The Matrix Reloaded in the May 13 issue, and it can be read online here. There's even a gallery with seven pictures, 3 of which are Keanu. Man, he wears that black coat so well....rowrrrrrr.Also, faithful readers might remember me asking if those were keys in the background during the Entertainment Tonight interviews a while back. Well, they were. It seems there's a "Key Maker" in the story.
MMmmm, I know a Ke I'd like to make, if you know what I mean. And I think you do.
So, go NOW and check out the article.
I would put a *spoiler* alert here, but I doubt any of these bits will actually spoil the movies for you. But if you're strong enough to be a purist, and hey...more power to ya, Don't read the article.

red pill | from inside the mind of krix at May 05, 2002 09:41 PM .

What a cool article! One thing I hated, though, was when they called Trinity Neo's "love interest." She's so damn much more than that! She kicks ass! And why no Trinity pics?! I guess being Neo's "love interest" relegates her to the lower regions. Man, how I do go on!

Posted by: Lori on May 5, 2002 10:19 PM

First off, you should be in bed, little miss east coast.
Also, I noticed the lack of Trinity, too.
I wonder......Nahh, they wouldn't. They COULDN'T, could they?
Let's not think about it.

Posted by: krix on May 5, 2002 10:52 PM

Bed? What's that? So much keanu, so little time... BTW, I refuse to even CONSIDER what you almost mentioned about Trinity. Now I should be at work!

Posted by: Lori on May 6, 2002 08:14 AM

Glad you got the link here, krix. I put one up at Reeves Drive. Then when I came here you had it. Now, how does everyone honestly think Keanu looks? You can't really see him up close. I don't think he looks that great in the face. Is there somthing wrong? His face looks weird. Does anyone see what I see?

Hey there, Lori. Well, I'm finally getting set for my move in a few months. Better late than never. Lori, we're still on the same wavelength, I thought the same thing you did when I read the description for Trinity: Love interest? She is so much more than that. What about Revolutions...sounds like someone is gonna die? Could it be Neo?


Posted by: Dil on May 6, 2002 08:34 AM

I hesitate to use the word "pasty"...I really do. *snerk* He does look thin, or he did in those ET interviews.I think that's because he's working so hard, plus he has to be a little thin so all the rigging they use doesn't bulk him up too much. Neo is lean and mean. I think something looks wrong in the face because he's wearing make up for the film, not necessarily for photographs. Physically, though (like in that flying kick shot) he looks great. I think it's all going to look very good on film.

Posted by: krix on May 6, 2002 10:49 AM

Pasty ...that's a start. The make up isn't right or the shape of the face looks funny. His face doesn't look like Neo. He has a different kind of "vibe" now. I couldn't swear that it was even Keanu. That ET interview, he looked like sh*t sitting down on that stool. So thin and his face was awful. Yeah, let's pray it all looks good for the film.

Posted by: Dil on May 6, 2002 04:21 PM

Krix, I dunno what's wrong but it looks to me like his hair is combed back so far, it makes him look even thinner. I know he's working so hard right now he's losing weight I hope not much more. Wish the weight came off me like that... hee hee



Posted by: Rhonda on May 6, 2002 05:31 PM

Hey Dil, long time no email ;) Of course, I totally disagree that keanu looked awful. Thin, yes, but also very fit. In my view, he has NEVER looked like shit (ain't love blind?). Maybe he was pasty, krix, but even that's appealing on keanu. Besides, remember when he appeared in public just after filming the pod scenes from the Matrix, how people were saying how sick and horrible he looked? Maybe he's *supposed to* look very different in Reloaded and Revolutions; Neo's evolving as a character, right?

Jeez, how did I get so damn sirius? BTW, krix, glad you bagged your plan to not read anymore about the sequels. woo hoo!

Posted by: Lori on May 6, 2002 07:31 PM

I'm weak.

Posted by: krix on May 6, 2002 07:56 PM

Of course you are, krix. Of course you are, given the topic!

Posted by: lori on May 6, 2002 10:41 PM
What's on your mind?.....
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