December 13, 2001
What are you wearing?

If Keanu were in the mood for some phone sex, he could call me up and breathe heavily into the phone,
"What are you wearing?"
And I'd be all, "Black suede stilletto pumps, candy-apple red lipstick and a big pout, baby..."
but I'd be lying because what I am actually wearing is a Manitoba Theatre Centre presents HAMLET starring Keanu Reeves T-SHIRT!!!!
It's my holy grail of shirts and now I actually have one!
Even cooler is the fact that I know it was formerly loved and cared for by another keanuphile and came with a loverly Holiday greeting, a Dogstar newsclipping AND a personal snapshot of Dogstar at The Whiskey circa '94 (in which Bret is quite the studmuffin in long hair and fashionably holey jeans and Reeves is wearing possibly the ugliest shirt ever) !!
THANK YOU 'Tash! Can I call you Tash? I feel like I can since I can smell your laundry!

tribe | from inside the mind of krix at December 13, 2001 03:14 PM .
What's on your mind?.....
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