December 20, 2001
Kinski: Uncut

Kinski Uncut : The Autobiography of Klaus Kinski has been mentioned by Keanu in at least one interview. It's out of print but you can order it used. I just did, as kind of an early present to myself.
I should have done all my shopping online, because it's getting down to the wire and there's still more to do.
I don't like shopping malls, mostly because of the parking lots and the fact that most people drive like idiots. It's not so bad, once I'm amongst the sights of disgruntled elves on a smoke break, the sounds of screaming children chasing each other around Spencer Gifts with fake poop and light sabers, and the smells of CinniBon, Schlotzky's and Orange Julius all blending together in Eau du Food Court.

off topic | from inside the mind of krix at December 20, 2001 12:24 PM .

i desperatley wish a copy of kinski uncut by klaus kinski. he is one of my fav actors.

Posted by: i horne on April 23, 2003 02:51 AM
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