May 06, 2002

I had a full day and I'm beat.
But I HAD to post something so I wouldn't miss a day this early in the new blog.
Maybe I'll add something to this later. Roi is making me watch Fear Factor so we have something to talk about.....don't ask.
Anyhooo, Craig has fears that the sequels will let him down, so go check out his site and 'splain that there's NO WAY that Reloaded and Revolutions won't totally rock.
Or just go say hi.

off topic | from inside the mind of krix at May 06, 2002 08:23 PM .

Okay, okay, you've convinced me!!! :)

(still keeping my fingers crossed, tho . . . )

Posted by: Craig on May 7, 2002 07:05 AM
What's on your mind?.....
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