May 31, 2002

I spent some time this morning reading "Lobsters" by Charles Stross, and completely forgot to have any coffee. It's very very good. Here's an excerpt:

Just then a bandwidth load as heavy as a pregnant elephant sits down on Manfred’s head and sends clumps of humongous pixellation flickering across his sensorium: around the world five million or so geeks are bouncing on his home site, a digital flash crowd alerted by a posting from the other side of the bar. Manfred winces. "I really came here to talk about the economic exploitation of space travel, but I’ve just been slashdotted. Mind if I just sit and drink until it wears off?"

I found it through Sam Gentile's Sci-Fi page, which I found via another weblog, There is No Spoon, which I was drawn to for obvious reasons.
After getting past a couple script errors when loading (psssst! fix those!) I found all kinds of creamy goodness at There is No Spoon, including a link to a page of Baudrillard on the web, so I think I'll be freeing my mind for a good part of the day.

*edited to add a couple links courtesy mowabb:

Permalink to his Baudrillard/Matrix entry

Entry about more of the same over at tins::Rick Klau's weblog

off topic | from inside the mind of krix at May 31, 2002 11:29 AM .

Jeeeepers Krix, after all that Baudrillard, your mind is gonna be so freeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I think I need a drink.

Posted by: Rhonda on May 31, 2002 11:50 AM

Hi. Thanks for the link. Your readers might appreciate the permalink to the entry about Baudrillard so they don't have to wade through all the other posts (which only related to Keanu and "The Matrix" if you believe "the matrix has you," in which case everything we see is a construct of the matrix, a simulacra, no?).
Permalink here:

Also, there is another "no spoon" site from which I got the Baudrillard links in the first place: "tins" is here:

Posted by: mowabb on June 1, 2002 05:39 PM

Thanks! I add the links to the post.
Although "wading" thru your and Rick's blogs can only be good for them.

Posted by: krix on June 1, 2002 06:58 PM
What's on your mind?.....
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