June 05, 2002
Funny pages

DC's Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure comic came into my life today. I believe that this particular one was promotional. It's the actual movie storyline in comic book form. I like the versions of the characters much more than in the Marvel comics. I have a few in the Marvel series, and they can just stay in plastic. Ugh. Fugly.

Anyway, since I still don't have a scanner and wanted to share a peek at this comic, I broke out the digital and tried to shoot something worth sharing.
I decided to do a little graphic editing, adjusting the color and contrast so it would be clearer and "pop" a bit more...and, well....once I start messing with stuff, sometimes things just become something more.

I'm in love, dude

I kind of like what happened here.

And since I was in my comic stash anyway, I decided to go ahead and commit the sin of taking my copy of the recalled Matrix comic out of its protective sheath to see what all the fuss was about.

I still don't understand why it was recalled but here's an interesting pic from it.

There's a couple of really nice drawings in the back of the Matrix book.
Damn, I need to get a scanner.

doodles | from inside the mind of krix at June 05, 2002 12:01 AM .

I should add that the Matrix comic doesn't have any of the characters from the movie. It's more about someone else (a woman) that has "a splinter" in her mind.

Posted by: krix on June 5, 2002 01:19 PM
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