June 08, 2002

Not much going on today so I thought I'd hawk the keanuvision online store a bit.

Added a new item, this spiffy "I [heart] KEANU" license plate frame:

I've already ordered one for myself.

No, the "REEVES" plate doesn't come with it, that's just for show.

I'm still giving away a copy of Dogstar's Quattro Formaggi CD with every order, and if you order 2 items or more, I'll throw in a "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure" comic book.
And a dollar for each item sold goes to charity through the

Shave Hoopty Project.

the site | from inside the mind of krix at June 08, 2002 12:09 PM .

This pic got me thinking, a dangerous occurance. I decided that if I lived in Minnesota, I'd want a plate that said JJAKS on it. But since I'm in SC, the only possibility would be DONNIE or BARKSDALE, and I am SO not into that idea! (wasn't The Gift set in GA, anyway? whatever...)

Posted by: Lori on June 8, 2002 12:37 PM

Hee. My plates say MTRXHZU. I was meaning to get a plate frame that said "WHOA" across the top and "There is no spoon" on the bottom but never got around to it.

Posted by: krix on June 8, 2002 12:46 PM

I have "Dogstar" on my plate. I couldn't believe it wasn't taken when I applied! Some people get the guts to ask what it means. I say, It's a great band from California that has a fantastic bass player. Mostly, I just get points and stares.( the majority from young women.. go fig.)

Posted by: Rhonda on June 8, 2002 04:37 PM
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