July 02, 2002

Thanks to Ann for this news from Cinema Confidential:


Keanu Reeves as Constantine?
POSTED ON 07/01/02 AT 2:00 A.M.

Variety also reports that Keanu Reeves may be tapped to replace Nicholas Cage as the main star in "Constantine," the project based on the Hellblazer comic series.

Cage dropped out due to the departure of "The Cell" director Tarsem. Unless a new director is found, the trade reports, a deal with Reeves will not be made.

A comic character, eh?
I'll have to do a little infoseeking, as I've never heard of this one.
This comic thing seems too trendy (Spiderman, Daredevil) for Keanu to really be serious about.
I don't see this happening....but who am I?
I'd rather see him in a nice well written indy film next. It's not like he's gonna need the money from another blockbuster effects driven spectacle.
Not that that describes The Matrix Trilogy. But you know what I mean.

**Well fuck.
After a little investigating, I think I would like to see him play John Constantine. Especially since he's desribed as a "total bastard"...
Great. More comics for me to buy.
Of course, the first and foremost question being....

this was a real rush job

I'm not sure how I feel about that, and I know how the fanboys hate Hollywood altering crucial things like hair color in their idolized graphic novel mages.

OK, so that last statement was just so I could use the tems "fanboy" and "mage".
What do you want from me?

***After even more exhaustive research, I have decided that....
No. Keanu shouldn't play John Constantine.
The character was actually based on Sting, so WB should shell out and secure him for the role.
Jeez, can't the movie industry get behind an ORIGINAL concept/story for a change?
That being said, I would like to see Keanu play some type of "total bastard" again.

cinema , constantine , media spot | from inside the mind of krix at July 02, 2002 12:48 PM .

I TOTALLY agree with you that keanu should *step away from the Constantine*!! Blonde and with a British accent? Not exactly strong points for our guy, right? Let him find another juicy bastard to portray. And anyway, I think Neo is keanu's perfect superhero, one that he was allowed to create for himself. Someday soon we'll get to see him (over and over and over)again on the big screen, in all his delicious Neo-goodness. **SIGH**

Posted by: Lori on July 8, 2002 02:05 PM
What's on your mind?.....
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