August 15, 2002
Blah Blah Blah

No reason for this pic, I just like it

So, this morning I was reading over at Billegible, and I decided not to wait until this whole Hellblazer thing is confirmed or not. Even if Keanu doesn't do the film, I'm intrigued. So about 10 minutes and 25 bucks later (including s&h) I've eBayed a few issues. They should be in my hot little hands by next week.

Just a week 'til BlogCon, and I haven't given too much thought about what to wear, but it looks like the bar is raised and I may have to reconsider pulling a Keanu and looking like a slob.

Maybe I'll just spit shine the Docs and leave it at that.

Whatever, I have great hair today (new conditioner, wheee!) so I was in a good mood already (I'm so shallow) but what made it even better was I see ERIC left me a comment.
Sigh... It's a fine day. Hope everyone else's is as good or better.

it wahs | from inside the mind of krix at August 15, 2002 02:06 PM .
What's on your mind?.....
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