August 21, 2002
Farkin' horoscope

This week, Rob Brezsny at has this to say for Keanu's sign, Virgo:

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Are you brave enough to invite
reality's messy richness to replace your pristine but inert fantasies? Are you mature enough to renounce your naïve hopes and fears so as to see the raw truths that are right in front of you? Are you crafty enough to shed the part of your innocence that's based on delusion even as you strengthen the part of your innocence that's rooted in your love of life? Here's my answer to those questions, Virgo: Maybe you weren't brave or mature or crafty enough to pull off these heroic feats in the past, but you are now.

Elsewhere, today's photoshop thread over at had a couple of Keanu/Matrix themed entries so I felt compelled to add one of my own. Scroll down, WAY down to see it (Fark user=Mtrxhzu). If you're on dialup, you'll have to reload a couple times to get all the entries to show, otherwise you'll have a bunch of real broken image "X"s...

Oh, and if you've never been to, consider this a tacky/tasteless warning.

it wahs | from inside the mind of krix at August 21, 2002 03:13 PM .

Cool krix, how does he know which one to take? To be or not to be? Damn, that's deep... I really HATED the one with the Abbey Road cover, though (some things really ARE sacred).

Posted by: Lori on August 21, 2002 03:53 PM

It definately ain't news...LOL

Thanks for the 'scope. Can you do it Ke, you know you can!

Posted by: Keanuette on August 21, 2002 03:54 PM

Damn! That was funny...

Posted by: Keanuette on August 21, 2002 03:59 PM

Krix!!! I got mail!!! Thank you sweets!!

Posted by: kat on August 21, 2002 04:07 PM

well that was interesting, I got some but not othes without downloading but I got yours ;)

Posted by: tess on August 22, 2002 07:06 AM

okay, so I had time to let it really download while I'm waiting here at work after hours for a friend, I am probably gonna be so farking busted by the internet police by morning. funny stuff.

Posted by: tess on August 22, 2002 05:05 PM
What's on your mind?.....
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