August 23, 2002
They're here!

that's me on the left...really!

Viva Las BlogCon! I'm so excited I dreamed about it last night, complete with a giant Hoopty running at me from an escalator, and that I had 4 tickets to Boy-lesque and couldn't get anyone to go with me! Analyze what you will....

Anyway, Batty has been here since yesterday and I talked to Kd on the phone a little while ago, she was with Jilly and I got her number for the hookup later.

Hoopty and the Chicky should be blazin' into town any minute now, bringing the zany, no doubt.
There's a soiree at Jon Sullivan's room tonight as well as the Foopty Pajama Party hosted by C.C. and that other, soon to be bald dude. Skits won't be here until tomorrow, but we can have Margaritas for brunch.
So many bloggers, so little time! The only thing that could make this any better is if Craig were coming...*sniff*

...and if there was a Dogstar show, natch.

tribe | from inside the mind of krix at August 23, 2002 11:29 AM .

*blush* . . .

Posted by: Craig on August 23, 2002 01:41 PM


Have a great time y'all...

Posted by: Keanuette on August 23, 2002 02:13 PM

woo hoo! have a blast krix and take pics of that boylesque thingy if they let you. sounds

Posted by: kat on August 23, 2002 04:18 PM

hey! what are we supposed to do? blog along unsupervised?


Posted by: Tyler on August 23, 2002 06:22 PM

Heh, I'll be back later tonight, hopefully w/pictures. Unless I pass out at the PJ party, and if that happens, I fully expect to be sold into white slavery by dawn...

Posted by: krix on August 23, 2002 06:28 PM

Hey! That might be kind of fun. Just think of all the blogging you could do when you come back and tell us all your adventures of wild arabian nights.

Wait a minute. Didn't they tear down the Aladinn(sp)?

Maybe it will have to be wild and crazy roman (Italian) nights courtesy of the Ceasers or Bellagio?

Posted by: tyler on August 23, 2002 06:59 PM

mmm...I'm gonna be dreaming of margaritas tonight. hee! See you in the AM!

Posted by: skits on August 23, 2002 08:29 PM
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