October 23, 2002
Stock up on dark ink

I'm working on November's calendar, using one of those exquisite Sunny Bak images from Elsinore.
It's going to be freaking gorgeous (if I do say so myself).

Also, here's this week's Virgo horoscope from FreeWillAstrology.com

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): It'll be a zigzag, flip-flop, which-end-is-up week, Virgo. Every plot twist will quickly split into at least two further plot twists; anything that looks like a trick ending will lead to what looks like another trick ending. Your natural talents for thinking on your feet and adapting on the fly
will be even better than usual, though, so you're poised to thrive in slippery conditions that may befuddle weaker minds. My advice? Act as if there's no script for the unfolding drama; treat every situation like an improv exercise in an acting class.

doodles | from inside the mind of krix at October 23, 2002 03:21 PM .

Looking forward krix, looking forward...;)

Posted by: Keanuette on October 24, 2002 12:03 AM
What's on your mind?.....
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