March 21, 2003
it's the first day of spring

Which has nothing to do with today's pic.

Which I almost didn't post.

But my mind changed.

thank you Rhonda

This is was the most violent AF pic I could find.

I imagine that the series of explosions on the news while I was deciding had something to do with it.

And not in a good way.

I'm horrified by the images on my television, but I can't manage to turn it off.

I don't support this war.

I do support this.

it wahs | from inside the mind of krix at March 21, 2003 11:10 AM .

Yeah... And in a sense of bitter irony, they decided to call this offensive strike 'A-day'... Can you believe it? Normally, I would find that very funny, but this is frigging REALITY. Having no TV here, I'm clicking back & forth from one news-site to the other, also. Wheter you are for or against, don't like Bush but like Americans, hate Saddam but don't want to harm the people of Irak, for a war, but only with a resolution, against a war, but morally supporting the troops, etc, etc, this is so so so bad either way. My country was bombed repeatedly in the 2nd world war, both by our neighboors the Germans to conquer us & by the allied forces to free us...
Do you know how slightly dementing elderly people tend to forget the present, but remember the past? My beloved grandfather was just horrified and was describing explosions and people dying around him just before he died aged 87, even though it had been more then 60 years ago. That's the bad thing. The effect never goes away.

Aaah... Be excellent to each other

Posted by: Julie on March 21, 2003 01:09 PM

Turn the TV off. It'll be good for you krixy!


Posted by: :: jozjozjoz :: on March 21, 2003 01:50 PM

Thanks for the link to books for soldiers!! I have shared it will all faculty and students at my school. Hope we can send books off to our troops.

It doesn't matter whether we support this offensive or not (I don't), the men and women serving our country deserve our support. As an avid reader myself, this is a GREAT way!

thanks again krix!!

Posted by: roxy on March 21, 2003 02:14 PM

That's great, roxy!

Yes, please spread the word. And if anyone knows someone in the service, please let them know so they can sign up to receive.

And for those that would like to share music instead of books, there's

Posted by: krix on March 21, 2003 02:19 PM

What a wonderful program!! Thanks so much for the info, krix. I've sent a memo throughout our office to collect books & music.

Can't support the reasons we're there, but 100% support for the troops.

Posted by: Ann on March 21, 2003 02:54 PM

This was cool - I have tons of books - just will have to send one shoebox at a time. I wish there were more addresses there - maybe now now the addresses in the other branches besides Army will show up in a few days.

Now are we talking dainty size lady 8s or Keanu-size shoe boxes here? ;)

I completely agree roxy. And about turning off the TV tonight - I'm looking for a movie - as non-violent as possible. Much Ado About Nothing seems very appropo for some reason.

Posted by: Chianti on March 21, 2003 03:54 PM

*talk about weak at the knees from seeing this AF pic. . . I'm there! *smiles* Conjures up thoughts of all the confrontations, the adrenaline rush, the intensity of PB.

~ ~ ~
As far as the war situation, I'm left weak in the knees in a different way. *sniff* I offer prayers and support for our troops, as well.

Posted by: phoenix IX on March 22, 2003 08:32 AM

I applaud every single word, picture and link in this post!

Posted by: Kelly on March 22, 2003 09:40 AM
What's on your mind?.....
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