April 10, 2003
Premiere Poster Contest

one of the covers

Premiere Magazine is having a poster contest that involves getting clues off of the four special edition covers and figuring out a secret code.

Oooooh, how fun.

...from looking at the clues, I'm thinking you need to look near the "most powerful people" banner in that bar code looking stuff around it for some initials.

Or maybe near the price, because of the "on the money" clue.

But that's just me guessing, I haven't even seen a cover up close yet.

media spot | from inside the mind of krix at April 10, 2003 05:04 PM .

I was just looking at this picture, thinking about him sitting through the sessions. It must have gotten tedious. I wonder if there are any shots of him mugging for the camera. Maybe there is a vault somewhere with negatives of The One wearing a goofy grin.

Posted by: krix on April 10, 2003 10:00 PM

Ooohhh...must have! Are these issues out already? If not, when are they coming out? Gotta get 'em!

Posted by: Renie on April 10, 2003 10:31 PM

I know people that have already bought them, but officially they don't come out 'til the 15th.
I've looked at the supermarket and haven't found it, but I haven't checked bookstores or newstands yet. I'll probably look harder this weekend

Posted by: krix on April 11, 2003 12:03 AM
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