April 22, 2003

I just caught a brief glimpse of Keanu on a Today Show segment. Just junket-style footage hyping the film along with Carrie-Ann and a lot of preview clips we have seen before.
But his voice. I love hearing his voice when I don't expect it.
He must have been tired because it was even lower than usual.
I could wax poetic about the effects his voice has on me....but I have to get a move on this morning (yet another dentist appt.)....

So you tell me, what is it about that voice of his?

spoony | from inside the mind of krix at April 22, 2003 09:24 AM .

It's velvet... With a dark undertone that sends shivers down my spine... A maple syrup sweetness combined with slowly melting chocolate, which makes everything sounds as if he is whispering it in your ear, and, and, and... *boink* I'm sorry, I just fell off my chair! Hope you run into our 'dental' superstar when you have your teeth done! ;-D

Posted by: Julie on April 22, 2003 11:05 AM

^ she couldn't have said it better, velvet, it's my favortie word to describe his voice. It's pleasure to every ear, it has a soft-smooth as butter texture that so euphoric, depending on your mood, it can wrap around your mind like a warm bath and comfort you to sleep, or it's deep flowing masculinity can excite your every nerve ending and when you hear it, you can feel the sound sensously caressing you to your very core.

whew, it's getting hot in here ;)

Posted by: Sage on April 22, 2003 11:56 AM

I saw that this morning. It was really brief but good. I thought his voice was a little deeper than usual too. *sigh*

Posted by: kat on April 22, 2003 02:27 PM

rich dark chocolate + the wind in the trees + gulls over the waves + sunshine on your face + redbirds in the snow = keanuvox

in other words, all that is delightfully sensual and good.

Posted by: Lori on April 22, 2003 09:08 PM
What's on your mind?.....
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