May 23, 2003
Buyer Beware


I've pretty much given up on getting any of the new Matrix memorabilia (besides a couple shirts), but if anyone out there is thinking of bidding on one of the key/necklaces without the matching box I wanted to point out that the one in the picture is not what you want. Unless the key is rounded and has the 5-15 stamp (like in this auction), it's just some old housekey that the seller has put on the chain. Probably so they could keep or sell the nice lock box seperately.

When I first saw them I thought that maybe they were using the prop keys from the keymaker's room on the necklaces (and still think that would be a very cool thing to give away), but when I saw the real ones that go with the promo box, I realized that these were basically just bogus.

I just looked and there are a BUNCH of these bogus key necklaces out there (with those tempting "buy it now" options....evil!), in fact this one is the only legit set without the box I can find right now.

So you might want to skip bidding on one unless you know it's the original untouched set.

it wahs | from inside the mind of krix at May 23, 2003 11:07 AM .

I know what you mean--I saw that people were selling those and was outraged how people were bidding on's ridiculous....I have my own key necklace (yes, it's real, I have the box too) and I wear the key everyday...the 1 in 15 is wearing out though:( and eventually may have to figure out how to get another key....I do wish I could get another one...but they're getting expensive for just the key necklace (and if its bogus anyway, whats the point...)


Posted by: stacey717 on May 23, 2003 02:03 PM

They're outrageous.
I'd rather spend the money on a charm bracelet or something.

Speaking of which, I still need to order.

Posted by: krix on May 23, 2003 03:15 PM

Unless that is the key to Mr. Reeve's chastity belt, I couldn't see my way clear to part with the cash.

That said, I shall return to my locksmithing-by-mail studies.

Posted by: Miss Toast on May 23, 2003 06:12 PM

Thanx for the warning krix...

I'm totally skint too...LOL

Posted by: Keanuette on May 23, 2003 06:30 PM
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