July 12, 2003
new bit of Keanu lore

From the bottom of this article about Toronto artist Margaux Williamson:

"The least artsy poster may also be the most historically interesting. Advertising the 1986 play By Your Side by Katie Ford, with music by Jane Ford, the post near the kitchen notes that it stars Nadia Ross and a young actor named Keanu Reeves."

I'm unable to find anything by searching the title and author of the play (Samuel French doesn't list it), which sort of sucks because I am curious as to what it was about.

All I can find about Nadia Ross is that she "has been the artistic director for STO Union since 1992, a company dedicated to collaborations and new Canadian work.She trained in Berlin with the Berliner Ensemble and in Vienna at the Burgtheater. She has worked as a performer in numerous productions and films in Canada. Her play Breeding Drum Majors was published by Blizzard Press in 1998. She is currently completing the first two parts of her trilogy of documentaries, This Far Apart (a study of modernist architecture in Detroit) and Here (a documentary film on Enlightenment shot in Iceland, Tobago, California and Thailand), completing a novel (Yes), and working on her next play." , and a very short IMDB listing.
And I'm not even sure if that's her.

So, if anyone comes across anything about this play, I'm sure there are many of us that would love to know about it.

it wahs | from inside the mind of krix at July 12, 2003 11:14 AM .


I'll help ya did something up.

Good find!

Posted by: Keanuette on July 12, 2003 12:11 PM
What's on your mind?.....
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