July 17, 2003
Eeeeeeebay and stuff

I can't let you go First, let me apologize to anyone who may have had the red and black Hardball cap on their watch lists. Once I realized that it was the only thing I had left from the things that Paramount sent me, I decided to take it off the block. You gotta allow me one act of seller's remorse, ok?
Secondly, Thank you all who are bidding and buying. I've already got 2 CDs and a comic/card set ready to mail. And I bought more shipping supplies yesterday, and it's all a little nerve wracking, but fun at the same time. Thank gawd for stamps.com, btw.

Lastly, a few have asked about direct donations, and thank you but accepting money just for doing this, something that I love to do, would just be too weird for me. Believe me, this isn't a crisis or anything. The site would continue upgrade or not. I just would have to wait until I could budget it in. And if you know me at all, you know I hate to wait for anything.

Seriously, thank you, but donations are not necessary. Save your money and come to the next becky or Dogstar show and buy me drinks.

The VGSale is working fine. Actually better than I could have imagined, really.

Thank you.

I'm making some space on my shelves and people are getting things they want. And the Hardball cap waffle not withstanding, I'm not sellling anything I can't live without. You won't see Dojo or Neo up there, eddieshirt has nothing to worry about. The only things that aren't duplicates of things I have are the picnic set, (which I decided should really go to someone that won't be tempted to use the thing, since it is a good piece of promo) and the pictures, that I'm not extremely attached to, because...well, they're pictures. And I've seen them.
I've decided to keep my collection of black and white photos, because one day they will look great in chrome frames lining my hallway of the wood floored beach house. I went so far as to take a photo of this one, but decided to keep it.

But the others will just sit in the envelopes they came in. Which is just wrong. But I have no place to put them up. They should be enjoyed.

All things Keanu should be enjoyed to their fullest.

Which makes me think I should start wearing my t-shirts more often.

the site | from inside the mind of krix at July 17, 2003 12:13 PM .

I'm bidding on the Oscar pic, you know me, I LOVE pictures. I started a photo album for the 8x10's I've won and have 3 smaller albums as well. So if I win, it will be right at home with the others. :)

Posted by: Chicks on July 17, 2003 12:54 PM

Thank you:)
Like it says, that one has history. When Tess and I went to LA for a few days to see a couple Dogstar shows, we must have hit every tacky souvenier shop on the Walk of Fame. I slept with that photo on the hotel nightstand watching over me. Hee!

Posted by: krix on July 17, 2003 01:04 PM

I have filing cabinets full of Keanustuff that hasn't seen the light of day for ages.

Posted by: Keanuette on July 17, 2003 03:56 PM

See, I'm not even that organized. I have little "caches" of envelopes and boxes scattered everywhere. I JUST found the box of pics I bought in Hollywood that I misplaced for over a year.
I know there are things I've forgotten I even have still.

Posted by: krix on July 17, 2003 04:05 PM

or we could just meet you at the airport in vegas and buy you drinks... hee!

Posted by: lori on July 18, 2003 07:36 PM
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