August 27, 2003
categorize this

I won't do it for every movie, but since Keanu has the title role, I decided to go ahead and create a category especially for Constantine.

Also, becky now has a seperate category as well, rather than lumping all the beckyband news in it wahs which is getting full of my inane babble as it is.

Speaking of becky, there is a new picture of the band over at the official becky site, and don't forget to set your VCR for the Orlando Jones show tomorrow on FX. Roi's going to tape it for me....yay, Roi.

And I think that becky is probably in the studio taping the Sharon Osbourne show right now.

If anyone goes to either of these tapings, please drop by and let us know how it went, eh?


becky , the site | from inside the mind of krix at August 27, 2003 03:56 PM .

Ditto dat...

Posted by: Jen on August 27, 2003 04:03 PM
What's on your mind?.....
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