October 21, 2003
I can't believe I actually made it to the 15th of the month before hearing the word "Rocktober"

So, it's now ten days until Halloween and what better costume than a Keanu character? I'm sure there will be all sorts of Neos, Agents and Trinities running around this year, so if you want to stand out from the crowd, go for the classics.

I recommend checking out BillandTed.org's How To section on Bill and Ted costumes.

emulate the REAL Bill and Ted or I will knock you down and steal your candy


My eyes! MY EYES!!!


And of course, the biggest do's :

it wahs | from inside the mind of krix at October 21, 2003 12:36 PM .

Fantastic idea!!

Posted by: Jen on October 21, 2003 01:01 PM

I honestly think I'm the only San Franciscan who has never willingly put on a costume for Halloween. Unless one wishes to count my three hour as Christina Onasis in an itchy yellow dress that wouldn't even consider zipping up my back.

I think I wore high tops.

I know I wore eye makeup because I remember how good her face smelled as she put it on me shortly after the drugs kicked in.

I'm sure there are photos. I simply never saw them.

There is an indention on my thigh where the fishnets bit in and refused to let go.

I like to think of that night as the aftermath of my failed audition with the New York Dolls.

God, the stupid things I did in pursuit of the hearts of brooding girls with too many earrings and too little sense... yet possessed of more sense than I.

Funny. I used to be young.

Posted by: V. on October 21, 2003 01:03 PM

HAHAHA! *nearly chokes on it* Snork!

Oh my god, I wonder if anyone would do that! :-D
But you wouldn't use those pics to blackmail them, right? ;-) Checkered vests. Gasp. *shiver*

I think the best costume would be a 'Winston', though. Complete with a little owl with wiggling eyes as an accesory :-) Come to think of it, going as a little owl is cute, too! :-D

Hey, you don't have to answer this due to the 'emberrasment'-factor, but what was the weirdest costume you've ever worn? On Haloween, I mean ;-)

Posted by: Julie on October 21, 2003 01:04 PM

My 11 year old nephew wants to go out as Neo.. but they only have adult costumes available at the party store.. any ideas?? Ill send pics if he does don up as Neo..

hugs and GOd bless

Posted by: janice on October 21, 2003 03:33 PM

I think Neo would be easy as long as you can find a long black coat. Then all he needs is the shades, black clothes underneath and boots.
I would suggest checking thrift stores for the coat. Depending on his size, you might be able to find a womans plain black full length coat that would work.

Posted by: krix on October 21, 2003 04:23 PM

whoops, I forgot to answer your question, Julie.
I can't think of any embarassing ones. The memorable ones I've been really proud of.
One year I was Freddy Kruger's prom date and another time I went as Timothy Leary's cat.

Posted by: krix on October 21, 2003 05:26 PM

I have a catwoman costume. Custom-made exactly like the one in the movie, with the trinity-slick-wet-look-material. I had it made for a figure skating program I did. Now it's great for Halloween. And for turning men on. ;)

Posted by: Zen on October 21, 2003 06:17 PM

hee hee heee!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: tess on October 21, 2003 06:20 PM

Awesome idea for Halloween! I'd love to dress up as Ted but, aside from the fact that my kids would be mortified *snicker*, I'm just way too lazy when it comes to putting together costumes. Think I'll just muss up my hair and tape up one of my shoes :-D

BTW Krix, thanks for a most excellent blog...love it! I've been a Keanu fan since River's Edge. Finally caught up with "every freaking entry" and now you're on my daily "must visit" list. You RAWK! \m/

Posted by: Sandi on October 21, 2003 06:25 PM

Thanks Krix!! I'll pass the idea on to my sis..
hugs and God bless

Posted by: Janice on October 22, 2003 03:23 AM
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