October 24, 2003

Apparently there is a BIG FAT HAIRY POSSIBLE SPOILER right in the title or something of a new Carrie-Anne article or interview. I've been lucky enough to avoid it, thanks to Tyler and others. If you've been spoiled by just seeing the title without benefit of spoiler warning, I would suggest that you write the site owner nicely alerting them to this and asking that they alter something so others can avoid it. I'm sure it's unintentional, or perhaps a red-herring.

In any case I'm going to be a cyber recluse for the next week, avoiding all other sites, boards and news alerts until I hear an "all-clear" or something.
So things might get a little weird, or stupid....or boring.

I'm so sorry for anyone that was accidentaly spoiled.

red pill | from inside the mind of krix at October 24, 2003 07:01 PM .

Ooooooooh! All krix all the time! No outside influence. This rogue spoiler crisis might have delightful consequences after all. :)

Posted by: Zen on October 24, 2003 07:13 PM

OY. I'm glad I missed it. I'm even afraid to hit My Yahoo page, ya know? lol

Posted by: skits on October 24, 2003 07:22 PM

***spoiler free comment***
TOO LATE... didn't you hear my big cyber space yell of anguish? I feel contaminated... like Agent Smith telling Morpheus that he can't stand the stink. Oh well... can I plug back into the Matrix and have my memory erased???

Posted by: mel on October 24, 2003 07:45 PM

Bummer! I need my memory erased too..that really sucks. I know about the whole movie now :(

Posted by: Keanu_Soul on October 24, 2003 08:05 PM

I clicked. I read. Was terribly disappointed, but was I really surprised? No. But it didn't make me any less homicidal towards the person/persons who posted the spoiler in the first place. Then, of course, I didn't have to click, did I?

Posted by: Melissa on October 24, 2003 08:10 PM

darn, Darn, DARN!!!!

I've been spoiled!! I wanted to watch Revolutions in blissful ignorance, now I feel horribly exposed to the story, very manipulative. Whoever wrote that is gonna be in a bad ways with the Brothers!!

Posted by: Renee452 on October 24, 2003 08:36 PM

Can't ressit the click, and it's right at the beginning. I'm extremely bummed. I may just shut down too, for a couple of weeks.

See you guys after the opening.

Posted by: Chianti on October 24, 2003 08:37 PM

Chianti, i don't blame you...i'm coming to the same conclusion.

Posted by: Keanu_Soul on October 24, 2003 09:12 PM

I think people have problems with their reading.....

If you actually read the first 3 paragraphs of the article it explains what the title is about.

It DOES NOT contain spoilers....

I would have warned you otherwise....

Remember - the movies were shot back to back and not necessarily in order...

Posted by: Jen on October 25, 2003 12:01 AM

Jen, Jen, Jen... I'm seeing what you're saying, and I'm going to take it as my mantra! But I'm still not gonna go back and read the article, and I'm still gonna stay away from other sites. True, several of the interviews I've read recently (like Flare) were actually conducted before Reloaded came out...*thinks* yeah, this works for me. But you have to understand, with a headline like that at this time of year, I'm not *going* to read on in the article. Maybe a little tag like "no Revolutions spoilers" would help?

Posted by: bakednudel on October 25, 2003 04:59 AM

OK, I did go back and read the article--and on keanua-z they have a 'no spoilers' notice now, thanks. But the way the article is written (not very well, and of course not the fault of the websites) it is not *clear* that it's not a spoiler for Revolutions; indeed, the way it's written would lead you to think it was, especially with the headline and first sentence. So, I'm all calm again, but still...I think I'd better be vigilant about possible spoilery sites, magazines, everything!

Posted by: bakednudel on October 25, 2003 05:51 AM

The Daily Record is a poxy Scottish rag, with no weight whatsoever. How are they going to get the 'juice' before any of the other entertainment reporting big hitters?

I'm phoning the journalist on monday to give him a piece of my mind...

Posted by: Jen on October 25, 2003 05:58 AM

Thanks for quelling some of the fears, Jen.

I feel a bit like Chicken Little.

Posted by: krix on October 25, 2003 06:52 AM

Just stay away from Ain't it Cool News, someone told the WHOLE story there, and I read it. But still can't wait to see it!

Posted by: Chicks on October 25, 2003 07:05 AM

But then you know, how can we be SURE the few people at Ain't it Cool who posted a review REALLY saw this? Do you think the brothers would have an advanced screening and have everything leaked out before the movie opens?

Posted by: Chicks on October 25, 2003 09:42 AM

It amazes me that the idiot journalist who wrote this piece didn't have one ounce of common sense to see that they were printing a MAJOR SPOILER in the title?? Come on!! It's not like a movie where we KNOW the ending!!

I'm looking forward to the 3rd LOTR movie, but ya know, I've read the book like a hundred times so there aren't any real suprises - there's only anxious anticipation of how it will be presented. But the Matrix is different. Whom ever wrote the piece should feel utterly ashamed.

Posted by: Anne on October 25, 2003 01:36 PM

I wish I'd come HERE before I read what I *thought* would be an innocent interview. I can't believe that THAT bit of information came from a cast member in an interview! I'm terribly disappointed, especially after having avoided all spoilers, trailers, discussions... At least I don't know the whole story.

Posted by: MC from RD on October 25, 2003 05:17 PM
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