August 04, 2004


VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Before you can move on to your next exciting challenge, you'll have to answer a few hard questions about the life you've lived since your last birthday. The object of this test is not to make you feel guilty, but to help you take inventory of your gaffes and indiscretions so you can make atonement, thereby clearing a path to the future. Have you purposely caused anyone pain? Did you tell any big lies? Did you commit any unethical acts? Have you revealed information told to you in confidence? Do you owe money or energy to anyone you have no intention of paying back? Confess everything, Virgo--to the mirror. Then go set things right, or at least as right as possible.

it wahs | from inside the mind of krix at August 04, 2004 10:19 AM .

Well Virgo...take a hard look in the mirror because what you see there has an amazing way of predicting future outcomes. Whatever you see there, tends to come back on's a principal of life, and truth tends to prevail even if sometimes after the fact.

I'm glad today that I am not a Virgo...when life exploits the facts and capitalizes on your good nature/name for personal gain Virgos, and we've all been there, it doesn't require an apology. What you need is a hug.

Posted by: shelz on August 4, 2004 04:04 PM

I LOVE all these great keanu pix...

ok, shelz! i'm looking in the mirror on top of this page...let's see...
it is one of the most most greatest pic's i've seen... (have you ever noticed that there is almost always some moment/shot where keanu looks in the mirror in his movies??)
and those are good questions... the ones we always try to live up to...good cover your bases questions...answers...!? ummm... i'm still taking a hard look, but i think i've done not too bad with those questions...i'll take a little inventory and get those p's and q's a bit lined up...
and isn't a hug always a win win thing/action! big hugz!!!

Posted by: wanda on August 4, 2004 06:48 PM

"Now, infidel...confess...confess! CONFESS!"
"They don't seem to be hurting him, Lord."
"Have you got all the stuffing up one end?"
"He must be made of stronger stuff. Fetch the CONFY CHAIR!"


In all seriousness, I'd like him to confess his deepest, darkest...AHEM.

Posted by: Tabitha on August 5, 2004 04:33 AM

"confy chair" that a Monty Python reference Tab? LOL!

Posted by: shelz on August 5, 2004 05:34 AM

you guys!!! can't speak for y'all.. but all my deepest and darkest involve the letter..ummm..K!!!!!! suprised! NOT!

Posted by: wanda on August 5, 2004 09:33 AM

*looking around* Yep, it's a Python reference.

Posted by: Tabitha on August 5, 2004 09:42 AM

*lol*@wanda & shelz
confy chair! and the cushion! *wow....just listened to Ericīs FCC always gives me a hilarious morning when I listen to it at pythonline ījust like now!

Posted by: susan on August 7, 2004 12:36 AM
What's on your mind?.....
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