February 12, 2005
creezy sees ke in Berlin

...and sent us a great report and pictures!


"My little report about Keanus short visit here in Berlin, Germany:

Keanu was late. The earlier festival-schedule said press conference for 'Thumbsucker' should've been today at 10:00 o'clock and the movie during the contest should've be shown at 16:00, but they changed it into 'Thumbsucker' on screen at 16:00 and press conference later this evening at 20:00 o'clock. As I mentioned in Netties forum yesterday morning, you can view the stream of the press conference on www.berlinale.de . You can toggle there into the english version of the homepage, look out for 'video stream'. They said, they will keep it online for some days. Hopefully there is no translation version on the english part of the side. The translation makes it so difficult listening to the questions and answers, while the stream is buffering!


Okay, it was my very first time I saw Keanu in real life. It was my very first time right there beside the red carpet and so my first time with my new DSLR-Camera, and the very first time I took some paparazzi-shots. And so they look like! Pardon me, Keanu!

Nevertheless, I had a fine place. Right in front of the theatre (okay we all know about those huge distances), second row. But it wasn't so overcrowed as I thought it would be maybe. Most Fans were pretty young. Some fans had cute and creative banners with them, some fans were unbelievable loud. I never ever will get the screaming thing!


Keanu went out the car that drove in front of the cinema's entry of course. Before he showed up, all the other actors, producers and the director of course moved into the scenery. And after Keanu all the jury members showed up, f.e. Roland Emmerich, Franka Potente (Lola's Running, The Bourne Idendity) and the beautiful, funny and funky Bai Ling. Keanu said 'Guten Tag' to the festivals leader Dieter Kosslik – who ist one of the nicest persons in the world's film business ever, I am so sure of! Love this man! So they talked a while on the carpet.

After this Keanu spoke with all those TV-Teams and was shown meanwhile on the screen. Pictures of the whole film team from the professionals where taken. So business as usual. And while Keanu gave handsigns to all those screaming fans, like 'relax, I hear you, I will come to you later' it looked it bit like the organisators wanted to push him into the cinema. But Keanu came back (good boy) and was jumping, moving, running (how can I describe his moves?) all over the place and gave autographs and made his fans happy. He was a bit like someone who spent to much time in airplanes the last time and don't wanted to be seated again for the next two hours! *lol* Poor Keanu! Those
premiers-plus-festival-trips must be pure horror! Sh.. I am so sorry, I can't digitalize all the tv-stuff they showed while he was cruising around (I don't think his matrix moves were done by CGI, no way!)!


Okay, he didn't made it to my spot, but I had a good position because his car stood pretty close in front of me when he moved out on the left side of the car! I was honoured.

I took a lot of pictures. But unfortunately the 80 - 200 zoom-objective I bit on ebay in the beginning of this week didn't made it to me in time. (I am sure, it will come tomorrow so that I can cough loud and clearly because of the pix that I've had missed today! ;-) ) - so only my 18-55 zoom could (or could not ;-) ) made it over the distance. Hm, and I guess after all, yes I should have taken the flash sometimes. As I said before, the cam is new and I am new in the SLR-buiz! ;-)


I've choosen those pix where he was sprinting around, so they're not the sharpest ones – but they'll give you all a good impression of how alive he was there!

They went into the cinema, the last picture was taken on the screen while he spoke to someone in there. Then I left the scenery. I had no tickets for the movie and didn't wanted to wait outside until it's finished and the press conference...

...oh, and sorry girls: but no! I don't think he is sooooo tall as you all mentioned before. I'm 1,80 m on my own – so of course he's almost taller than every other little actor but he is normal! That's by the way how I would describe him: normal. A nice guy.

At home I spoted the news on TV. Good news: Keanu never was a thumbsucker (that's what he said, his mother may have just an another opinion about this point ;-) ). Talking about the movie: the editorial stuff plus some viewers they interviewed after the movie, didn't liked 'Thumbsucker' too much. One viewer said, 'Keanu Reeves played in this movie - and that's it!' Another TV-channel noticed the applause was fair but not ethusiastic. Sorry, but it's an old traditional film festival. I didn't hear any statements from one person from the jury so
far. Although I am not sure they're not allowed to say anything.


The press conference (remember usually it is before the film preview and not after, because of Keanu's delay.) So this was special. And the reporters (very international, germany, greece, france, kanada, usa, uk etc.) asked several questions – but not only to Keanu as usual. It was really well done. The young actor who plays the 'Thumbsucker' is a cute one. He really got my heart after his presence there! Keanu told us that his nickname as a child was 'Kiki' and answered to the question 'If he likes to go to the dentist?' a little bit sarcastically: 'Yes, I like it very much. It's awesome, especially the feeling while they're doing the injection. They're doing all a great job.'
Yeah, Keanu, we feel all the same way, too. (That reminds me of the fact, that my next visit should be in next future again...)

Oh, and they asked him, if he speaks german (cough, it's the same stupid thing like this 'have you ever been in germany before? do you like it? can you imagine doing a movie here?' blabla, questions no one really need) and if yes, how good?

Mr. Reeves recited:
'Morgen, morgen, nur nicht heute, sagen alle faulen Leute!'

(Quotation from Christian Felix Weisse)

Ähem, he did it really good. Nearly accent free! The crowd went amused wild! He wasn't bad, holy fruit salad. Okay, two lines and nine words... but I owe him a beer or whatever! ;-)

They asked a lot questions more, I wrote them down but I hope I will catch tomorrow morning a higher quality version of the press conference on my tv screen and will post it if so.


What I noticed from short scenes after the movie preview on stage and even while the press conference – it seems like it's a team there who likes each other and who seems not to seperated after the was movie was finshed. It's not like you have the feeling they're so close that they will have tea together every sunday evening, but it was something special. It seems like this movie gave everyone something, the younger actor while growing up and the older actors while growing up, too.
Just my two pence.

Okay, Keanu it was nice to have/had you hear. A bit too short from my little point of view. I don't understand how someone can stay less than 24 hours here, but maybe we will have you back next year as a talented jury member – you're old enough for this meanwhile! ;-)

And ladies, please excuse my english -

Plus she sends these links as well:

-Video from the red carpet
-Another clip - "Go to ZDFmediathek (navigation on the left side) - there are two clip
from him, the first one's shows him at the beginning and the rest is
about the festival. But scroll down to the second clip, this one is

Thanks so much to Creezy!

it wahs | from inside the mind of krix at February 12, 2005 10:09 AM .

Creezy, your account of the experience is wonderful! Your English is terrific and more charming to read than you may realize....Thanks for sharing and Krix for posting!

Posted by: Parsippanynj on February 12, 2005 12:50 PM

I looked up the translation of that German phrase Keanu recited

To morrow, To morrow, not today
I hear the lazy people say......

Posted by: Parsippanynj on February 12, 2005 03:37 PM

Thanks for your account, really a good one!
I watched the press conference live via video stream and was really annoyed with all the german videotext and press agency news quoting the stuff about "I love going to the dentist" without any hint on the (imho clear) sarcasm.
I remember also the question of an italian journalist about whether Keanu still plays bass in some band, which he denied - answered by that guy with a very loud "thank you so much". Think Keanu was a bit pissed by that. Alas, so I would have been...

Posted by: mine on February 12, 2005 04:15 PM

"Alive" and "sprinting"...I love it!

Posted by: lizzie on February 12, 2005 06:58 PM

Thanks so much, creezy!!! what an experience and I loved your writing.

Posted by: Nudel on February 12, 2005 07:06 PM

Creezy....that are very very nice photos.... i was inside the Berlinale Palast & see Keanu from above....and I was on 'cloud seven'....anyway....I have seen Thumbsucker and Ke and the movie was very strange & nice. Ke is very funny in this movie ;)).....it was a very very very especially day 4 me....

Posted by: penelopez on February 13, 2005 02:45 AM

Creezy....very very nice photos.... i was inside the Berlinale Palast & see Keanu from above....and I was on 'cloud seven'....anyway....I have seen Thumbsucker and Ke and the movie was very strange & nice. Ke is very funny in this movie ;)).....it was a very very very especially day 4 me....

Posted by: penelopez on February 13, 2005 02:46 AM

how do you do it.... how do you do it...

Posted by: wanda on February 13, 2005 07:07 AM

great reporting creezy!!!! and thanks for capturing his all over the place energy ; p

Posted by: tess on February 13, 2005 10:12 AM

Ladies thx for your nice compliments, it made my day – although I found more than six mistakes on my own after reading it again, was gives me hope! ;-)

btw: I DO have a Zoom now... ;-(

I don't think this 'thank you so much' was meant to be against Keanus abilities as a musician. You just have to know that it's one of the third important festivals in europe and the organisation is pretty much interested in making every star feel as comfortable as possible while he/she is here. So there are pretty strict instructions how reporters do have to behave while a press conference, that means f.e. they're only allowed asking questions about the movie the conference is about, they have to introduce themselves and the mag they're working for before asking a question - and finally they're got the instruction to say 'thank you so much' as a signal of politeness and as a signal to show that their question is answered. That's all about it, so don't worry.

I personally just think that Keanu loves to play with those comments about his abilities as a musician sometimes because he IS often pretty much ironic or sarcastic...

...penelopez so where is your report about the premiere with Keanu?

Posted by: creezy on February 14, 2005 03:07 AM

@ creezy: being from Germany myself I'm quite aware of the importance of Berlinale ;-)
Heveans, it would be easier to describe it in German, I really admire you for doint this long account!
So, the bass-playing-thing:
I acutally thought I might have over-interpreted things and listend to that bit of the press conference again... the tension was not so high as I got it by first reception, but the Italian guy DID say "Thank you so much, Keanu. You are a good actor but not a good bass player" - Keanu replied that this was okay, cause the Italian guy wasn't a good journalist - which he conceeded, but said he was paid for it.

nevertheless not a matter of great importance, i found me some company for the Constantine-preview on wednesday, so I don't care about some Italian journalist being nasty anymore... *g*

Posted by: mine on February 14, 2005 08:29 AM

So he really did so? I guess I should watch the prc again today. Didn't had the pure english version not so far. But don't worry about this journalist – I am pretty sure that this was his last prc while the festival last. Where is the effort for him saying this to K.? Just wondering. What an idiot! But whatever he said: K ist a good actor. I am really happy he made it over this point! *lol*

Posted by: creezy on February 15, 2005 01:27 AM

You don't understand the screaming bit? It is easy: He only went to the people who shouted his name out loud and not the ones who kept quiet and he only went to the people with the big photos of his from Matrix or Speed who'd sell them on eBay afterwards. I found that a bit surprising, didn't expect it, thought he'd do it differently, but he didn't.

I was also quite surprised to see that he definitly isn't 6 feet 2. I am 6 feet, too, and he was at best as tall as me.

Posted by: Silke on February 17, 2005 01:57 AM

I watched the movie The Thumsucker twice, the premier and the following day. Was lucky to get it all, also see Keanu on the red carpet. I have read a lot of comments on the movies made by journalists and have the funny feeling that they don't get it. I am amazed by how superficial their comments are. Maybe they should at least rewatch a movie themselves before making a comment... I loved it. I felt that it was a really great complete story by the end of the movie.

Posted by: Silke on February 17, 2005 02:09 AM
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