August 31, 2005
chain reacting

Due to my fascination with the upcoming "Snakes on a Plane" movie, I'd happened across writer Josh Friedman's blog: I Find Your Lack of Faith Disturbing recently, but missed his post about Chain Reaction (he was the original writer). Thanks to amphora for sending me the link.

Which is in no way related (as far as I know) to another guy whose name starts with a Josh and ends with a -man: Keanu's friend and River's Edge co-star, Josh Richman had a nice little stroll on the beach with Keanu in the Hamptons where Robert Downey Jr. got married last weekend. Robert Downey Jr. starred and co-wrote The Last Party with Josh, and he is, of course, Barris to Keanu's Arctor in A Scanner Darkly.

Unfortunately, IMDB lists no joint ventures between Josh Friedman and Robert Downey Jr. (nor his lovely new bride)or this post would have had the most awesomest full-circle finish ever.

Maybe it's not too late for him to join the Snakes on a Plane cast....

it wahs | from inside the mind of krix at August 31, 2005 03:18 PM .

I LOVE the way your mind works! I'm off to check out all the links...

Posted by: ARYA on September 1, 2005 07:07 AM
What's on your mind?.....
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